Thursday 12 November 2009



Who made the show?
‘Image Entertainment’ made the production.

What channel was it on?
Sky One

What Time?

Who is the target audience?
I believe that the show would have a relatively mainstream audience;

Age: 16-25
Gender: Predominantly Male
Ethnicity: Largely white audience due to the Caucasian cast.
Interests: Crime, Law, Government, Action etc

What was the narrative?

This particular episode of ‘24’ was based upon the newly revealed threat of a ‘dirty bomb’ about to be set off in Los Anglos

What was being represented?
There were many representations within the episode;

Jack Bauer was being portrayed as the hero like character
CTU was represented as very formal & intelligent work group due to the actors within the group and the modern and hi-tech set.
The president was represented as being in control and calm at all times.

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