Sunday 8 November 2009


Editing Prior To Digital Technology
After the shoot of the film followed the edit; prior to the introduction of digital technology this proved a some what difficult task. Linear video editing involved dealing with analog videotape; this tape would be edited on a moviola (inset,right). The editing involved actually cutting the tape and pasting it again in order to gain the correct image. The process was extremely inefficient; for example working on a stereotypical 16mm camera, there would have been roughly 14 frames per second - each of these frames would have needed to be cut and pasted. As a result of its time consuming nature this process slowed down the production of the movie immensely.

Digital Technology's impact

In 1971, the CMX 600 was introduced; this removed the process of cutting and pasting and allowed editors to edit using a light pen. However, today editing has moved on even more from this first development. Due to the introduction of digital cinematography editing is more straight forward than ever. Footage can merely be recorded upon a digital tape and then be unloaded onto a computer where video can then be edited.


There are certain programmes and methods produced in order to make editing far easier. For example, digital editing technology such a iMovie allows the editor to upload the footage and merely drag and drop the clips in the order in which suits them. Whats more, if they make a mistake, they can press the 'edit undo' button which removes their last action. This was far from the case with linear editing- the software records all the actions of the editor in an edit decision list (EDL), this means that the original files are never lost.

Furthermore, the cost of this software is far cheaper than before. A moviola would have cost roughly £10,000 as the equivalent of today's value; this expensive cost would have made it near impossible for any independent to make a film. However, today things are different; editing software such as Cinelerra have be downloaded of the Internet for free. This extreme convenience has resulted in editing becoming an easier process than ever. Moreover, the previously used moviola was large and would consume the majority of a room. Today's Apple iMac can be used anywhere and everywhere allowing people to even editing on the go, continuously.

Yet, it is clear that this new method is not entirely flawless; computers can be unreliable there is always the sure of losing the files forever. Moreover, there is extreme variety of programmes that can be used; it is hard to adapt between programs which causes a problem for editors as it leaves them restricted in regards to variety.

Impact On The Audience

Due to the extreme convenience of today's non-linear editing it enables anybody to produce media. This is clear due to the media convergence of phones for example; a media text can easily be created through a phones camera and editing systems. This increased availability has resulted in more films; this benefits audiences as it allows them to indulge in more films or their taste and gives them a wider variety. However, digital editing is not as good quality as analog which results in the audience losing out in terms of quality and definition. What's more, prior to non-linear editing an average fan of film which an ambition to start a project in regard to film production would have been near on impossible. Yet, today's methods allow anybody to take a go at producing a film.

Technological Convergence

When two functions are joined together it can make a process far easier and simpler to use. For example; on a modern day digital camera lighting and other special effects can be used prior to even filming the footage. This means that after it is filmed their is no needed to add special effects or alter the clip in any way. This contrasts hugely to previous methods; footage would be shot as it was scene - with no functions on the camera in order to adapt or adjust the shot. This consequent in work being put into the shots after which in terms of analog videotapes was a long and drawn out process.

To conclude, editing has moved on hugely and impacted on the production of films in every way possible. Although certain elements contain flaws I think that it is safe to say that modern day editing is simply too simple- taking the professionalism out of film making to a certain extend. Nevertheless, the convenience and benefits that it brings cannot be ignored - the advances are most certain positive for all involved in film.

Here are the links to the other elements of the film industry that has been changed through time.

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