Sunday 8 November 2009

An analysis of Gender in Spooks
The clip of spooks presented a variety of different representations in regards to sound. The audio was used cleverly and effectively throughout the clip; with different variety as the mood of each scene changed.
The first thing that we hear is an extreme close perspective sound of guns shots. The manipulation of sound mixing in order to make the sound effect louder makes the sound very abrupt. This strength represents the people in the scene to follow are likely to be men as weapons are often associated with men and the loud volume adds a masculine touch.
The next thing to follow this is the sound motif for the show; this was at a considerably slow pace and fairly low tone. Once again this could suggest that the show is male dominant due to the constant deep and control rhythm. Next, was a women running down a long hall way; there was a Foley sound of a women in high heels running, this obvious represented the figure as a women as well as highlighting what she was wearing. Once in the room another piece of Foley sound is used to further our understanding in terms of gender. When the woman made the joke ‘get an overdraft’ there is a diagetic sound of laughter from the group directly after. This connotes that although MI5 is indeed male dominant women are still accepted, as it heightens her status in the scene as she is accepted by the group through humour.
Following this we are introduced to a woman watching some kind of musical. The sound in this musical is extremely light and fast, this could suggest a feminine character. What’s more, this is asychoronius sound as she is merely sitting stationary whilst the music is jumpy, this could suggest that her life is missing a certain quality and the lively music represents her dream to be happy. This point added to the feminine rhythm of the music could suggest that she is missing a man in her life. The next thing in the scene is a concealed character pressing the door bell. It was clear that this character was male as prior to the doorbell being pressed there was a Foley sound on a man’s footsteps walking up the driveway. What’s more, the diagetic sound of the doorbell was extreme predominant and loud, also representing a male character.
To conclude, it is clear that the majority of the sound in the clip hint towards male dominance. The sound in the clip is always representing something about the scene and the characters present which I feel is key in both engaging the audience and allowing them to understand.

1 comment:

  1. The clip of spooks presented a variety of different representations in regards to sound. The audio was used cleverly and effectively throughout the clip; with different variety as the mood of each scene changed. - this should be a summary of key reps to do with gender in the clip regardless of the technical aspect

    The first thing that we hear is an extreme close perspective sound of guns shots. The manipulation of sound mixing in order to make the sound effect louder makes the sound very abrupt. This strength represents the people in the scene to follow are likely to be men as weapons are often associated with men and the loud volume adds a masculine touch.
    The next thing to follow this is the sound motif for the show; this was at a considerably slow pace and fairly low tone. Once again this could suggest that the show is male dominant due to the constant deep and control rhythm. Next, was a women running down a long hall way; there was a Foley sound of a women in high heels running, this obvious represented the figure as a women as well as highlighting what she was wearing. Once in the room another piece of Foley sound is used to further our understanding in terms of gender. When the woman made the joke ‘get an overdraft’ there is a diagetic sound of laughter from the group directly after. This connotes that although MI5 is indeed male dominant women are still accepted, as it heightens her status in the scene as she is accepted by the group through humour. - VERY GOOD, COULD MAKE MORE OF GENDER AND HIGHHEELS

    this could suggest that her life is missing a certain quality and the lively music represents her dream to be happy. - YOU COULD RELATE THIS TO STEREOTYPES ABOUT WOMEN


    EAA -16
    E- 14
    T- 6

    36 X 2= 72 B

