Sunday 15 November 2009

Fantasy Film Making Part TWO


There are three types of synergy that would be associated with our production;

Product Placement - Stella. The product of stella beer links in with the idea of anti-social behaviour ridden themes.

Commercial Apperance - we would once again use stella through commercials. Stella is seen as a beer related with violence so i feel that using this product as a tie-in will be most efficient in targeting our audience.

Music Apperance - We would use our record label of 'The Prodigy' in our production as there raving style would suit the upbeat nature of our film.

Through the income from synergy as well as other budgets our budget at this stage is


Director - We decided to use the director of Danny Boyle. Not only is he within our reach but he also directed the last film on 'Trainspotting' so he has an in-depth knowledge of the production style and its cast. However, the negative of this is that Danny Boyle is possibly not thee most well known director that we could have got.

Production Team, Editor & Special Effects - We decided to use professional British for all of these catagories. We felt that it was important to use professionals due to Danny Boyles reasonable working standard. Whats more, it is good to use a british team as it is a british production so it adds to the films independent feel. However, it is clear that we could have used a hollywood crew in order to boost the profile of the team.

The total cost of all of these is; £2,000,000

New Technology

Camera (Sony HDW) - This high-tech camera was perfect for our production - it was of a reasonable size and great quality as well as being within budget. However, it is clear that we could have purchase a more expensive and better camera. We felt that we needed four units in order to cut time as more angles could be captured at one time - £195,492

Tapes (Sony HD) - We would purchase 250 of these in order to be sure of having enough room for error. The tapes were within budget and HD - £1750

Computer (8-Core Mac Pro) - We felt that this was possibly the best option that we could have picked, although the expensive price of £2400 (including screen) we felt that it was a great purchase which would benefit the production.

Editing Software (Final Cut Software) - We went for the convention choice as we felt that most editors would be familiar with this software. However, we could have used a slightly better format at the risk of the editors not being familiar with the format - £1000

Special Effects (After Effects CS4) - This software was once again convention and reasonably priced. The only disadvantage is that the standard of this software could be seen as less than acceptable. - £1000

Dedolight (£10,000) 0 This lighting was just about acceptable for the production although a better lighting system could have been found.

Tripod (£28,000) - We decided to purchase four of these in order to hold the four camera found. Although the negative of this is that the tripod turned out to be very expensive and take a huge sum out of our budget.

Total; £239,643

All of these factors added together result in a remaining budget of - £2,521,357

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