Sunday 11 October 2009

Fantasy Film Making Part One

At the initial stages of the lesson we were given the following information about our production;

Production Company: Little British Films, a subsidiary of Hollywood
Budget: 1 million
Scenario: An adaptation of 'Porno', Irvine Welsh's sequel to Trainspotting.

From these given circumstances we developed the following storyline;

The group have little to no money and life is harder than usual, they increase their dependence on crime and are in and out of prison.
Tommy's girlfriend visits the video store only to discover her and Tommy's 'home video' to be available for rental. She confronts the shop owner who recognises her from the video and explains that it is his best selling video in the store. She visits the group to explain her distress, this is where one member of the group develops the idea of making more videos.

They make money from the multiple videos produced, and life for the group is going well, apart from the minor dilemma.

These videos are of course illegal, and they find out that the police are planning a raid on all video stores in the local area (they find out in advance as Spud some how got a job as a police officer). As a result, they have to go all around the video stores that own their videos in a rush to destroy all of the copies. They do so. However, what Spud fails to explain to them is that they are also planning a raid on all places that they suspect to contain drugs e.g their flat. They finally get a long prison sentence.

Title: Shooting Up

Once the story had been established there were still multiple other factors to consider, here are the decisions that we came up with;


Abandoned Flat/House

This location would be quite easy to find and most importantly would be FREE to use. This is important due to our small 1 million pound budget.

Multiple video stores - This again would be free. Also we would use the cashiers in the shop at the time in the film in order to make the deal more appealing to shop owners as well as cutting down on payment for actors.

Pubs - By using a real pub is will allow us to get it for free as well as using real people are extras.

Streets - We will use different streets in Scotland,this will cost nothing as we will still to alley ways and small streets.

Police related material,Cars, costume, jail, police station)- All of this would cost roughly £10,000, but is essential to the film.

The next element to consider as actors for the production;

Ewan McGregor as the lead role - as he would cost far too much to pay, we decided to offer him 11% of the films profits. Although this is a risky move he is vital to the story.
Frankie Boyle and the money man, he is very direct and extremely funny. He costs us a total of £10,000

David Tennant would play the head detective on the case, as well as being Scottish he is also very well known in England for Dr.Who and other productions. £100,000

The next two actors were in the previous film and played the characters of Spud and Tommy's Girlfriend.

I felt that music was key to the film in order to gain that 'zoned out' feeling and add to the surreal genre of the film. We had to pick four song to include in the film:
Original song made for the film - Prodigy = £100,000
Original Soundtrack - Gallows = £25,000
Kasabian - Empire = £1000
Original song made for the film - Chemical Brother = £100,000
There is an example of a song that i would want the songs to sound like;

Therefore, in total i have £661,000 left in order to complete the rest of the film. It remains to be seen what this money will finally be spent on.
My production is much like 'Trainspotting' in representing Britain. It focuses much more on the lower more run-down areas of britain. Moreover, it also portrays britain as a very dangerous place to live. It gives viewers the impression that Britishness is having the instiact to just live each day as it comes abd obtain all thrills that are possible. Although this may be true to a certain extent, both Trainspotting and my production go over and beyond this idea to the extent that it is seen as a negavtive way to live.
Target Audience
Age: 18-25
Gender: Male
Interests: Thrill seeking, Crime, Drugs etc .
Current Film Consumption: Trainspotting, This is England, Football Factory, Blow.
Ethnicity: Prodominately white
Location: Britain but mostly Scotland.

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